Book Proposal Guidelines
Trolltrumma Academia publishes monographs, textbooks, edited collections, and reference books within the Humanities with a focus on studies on cinema, literature, music, art, philosophy, history, theory, media and communication.
Proposals should be around 10 pages (excluding CV and sample material) and in Word format.
Please include the following in your proposal:
Byline: your name and affiliation, together with the names and affiliations of anyone else who is an author, editor or translator of the book
Headline/Blurb: Summarise your book in 10–15 words
Pitch: One paragraph – around 150 words – describing the main purpose of your book and how it will benefit the reader
Key features and benefits: A brief bullet-pointed list of the distinctive qualities and benefits of your book
Keywords: A list of 10 keywords that cover the central ideas of your book
Short synopsis of the aims, scope, argument and approach of the book
The list of chapters: A paragraph outlining the content of each chapter, a list of the key authors, texts, case studies or examples covered by that chapter, the estimated word count for each chapter
Category of book and readership level (monograph, textbook, edited collection etc.)
Potential Market for your book
Competing Books
Sample material: Either a chapter from the book or other published material related to your proposed book
Financial Status: What can you contribute with financially to the production of this book?